Techbolo – About us – Technology helps every day, launched in 2013 with an objective to help you succeed by taking advantage of the technology, software tools and online resources available across the globe to use and share. Founded as the topic specific blog, Techbolo currently expanding to a full service online technical sharing site to cover different topics and connecting with their audience.
Techbolo now publishes high quality, securely hosted, technology content on a wide range of topics, written by experienced team member writers.
Our mission and goal is to help you succeed by writing and sharing helpful contents ranging from Tech News, Internet Tips, Social media platforms, Q&A and software tools, Techbolo – Technology helps every day.
We are a group of members based in the city of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom.
Q: What does the word “Techbolo” mean?
A: Techbolo is an online technology news magazine focused on how-to guides, Q&A, tech news and productivity tips.
The word “techbolo” formed using two words.
The word “Tech” is been taken from the word Technology.
The word “bolo” means in Sanskrit is to speak, techbolo site speak technology.
Q: What is the core purpose of “techbolo” website?
A: We have created this site as a resource to help you in taking advantage of the technology available on the web to enhance your knowledge and productivity.
Q: How do I subscribe to the Techbolo newsletter?
A: You can join us on Facebook, Google plus and follow us on Twitter. We have an email newsletter service that is sent every week featuring tips and tricks with summarised update.
Q: How do I contact techbolo team?
A. You can contact us either using the contact us page or send a tweet @techbolo.
Q: Do you provide product review services?
A: Contact us in regard to the review of web apps, software and consumer products. We honour product confidentially and NDAs.
Q: Do we need to take permission, if I need to reproduce or use techbolo article on my blog or any other digital media?
A: There are some articles or resources which are explicitly categorised under creative commons (Creative Commons helps you share your knowledge and creativity with the world.).
All other content is copyrighted to Techbolo and may not be reproduced in any other form.